With over 25 years of experience cultivating certified organic fruits, vegetables, and hemp, we strongly value our farming practices, prioritizing both human health and environmental sustainability.


Small-batch farming involves cultivating crops on a smaller scale than industrial or large-scale agriculture. This often allows for more personalized care and attention to each plant and is better for the local environment.

Mixed Light and Light Deprivation Techniques

These techniques allow us to control the plants' light cycles. Mixed light combines natural sunlight and supplemental indoor lighting for higher-quality flowers. Light deprivation involves manipulating light exposure with blackout tarps to regulate plant growth and flowering.

Organic Amendments, No Pesticides

Organic amendments are natural materials added to the soil to enhance fertility. The absence of pesticides indicates our commitment to organic and chemical-free farming practices, which are better for the environment and consumer health.


Hand trimming is a meticulous and labor-intensive process for harvesting and preparing plants. It is often preferred for preserving the quality and appearance of cannabis.

Living Soil From Our Certified Organic Farm

"Living soil" refers to soil rich in microorganisms and organic matter, which helps promote healthy plant growth. Using soil from a certified organic farm ensures that the soil is free from synthetic chemicals or pesticides.

Finger Lakes Terroir

The Finger Lakes region in New York is known for its unique environmental and climatic conditions, contributing to its terroir. Terroir refers to the specific environmental factors that influence the taste and characteristics of crops. It's often associated with wine production but can also apply to cannabis.